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- Goodbye 2024...Welcome 2025!
Goodbye 2024...Welcome 2025!
My State of the Union Address

Hey friend,
Welcome to my 3rd State of the Union Letter! Three years ago, I started this tradition to reflect, share, and celebrate, and here we are again, journeying together. (Psst… you can catch up on 2022 and 2023 here).
2024 was nothing short of extraordinary—a whirlwind of challenges, growth, and unexpected blessings. Looking back, I realize this year was not one I orchestrated; it was one I surrendered. Yet somehow, Abba's plans delivered me to destinations far greater than I could have dreamed. "Thank You, Jesus" feels like it’s not enough but God knows that my heart is overflowing with thanksgiving as I look back on the growth, the surprises, and the grace that carried me through yet another great year.
This year’s review is divided into three key parts: (1) a recap of my goals, (2) highlights and achievements, and (3) the lessons that shaped my year. Let’s dive in together!
Reviewing my 2024 goals

My Pro-coach, PDDK, says that most people know how to start a year but don't know how to end it. How you close the year is as important as the beginning, and I think this was pretty much what happened to me in 2023.
I did not close out the year with power because I still had a lot of deliverables that made me work into the new year. December 2023 was when I released my free ebook, Birthing Your First Book, and also launched The Birthing Visions Declarations. I didn't get to wind down and review my year like I typically would with the Immerse coaching year-end review template that I’ve used since 2018.
The implication of this was that my head space in the first quarter of 2024 was drastically different from what ultimately became the MEAT of the year, 2024. I was seriously thinking about my work as an educator, getting back into the classroom, and taking calculated steps toward my dreams for education but God obviously had other plans. His priority and focus were on my visionary work as a writer, scribe, and author's coach and it was when I shifted my focus to this that the rest of the year opened up to me.
Side note - As we step into the new year, this is a good time to ask the Lord pertinent questions like -
Lord, What should be my highest focus in 2025?
What should I keep my eyes on?
What will my grading system/scorecard for 2025 be based on?
Because at the end of the day, he's all that matters. He's the one who will mark our scripts and that “good & faithful servant” grade is what we are living for.
I still got to setting a few goals and creating a digital vision board as you can see and I'm glad I got to see the manifestation of some of these goals.
Highlights and Achievements

Speaking engagements - 5
Email Newsletters - 35
New Releases/Launch/ Creations - 4
Travel - 5 cities
Products / Services created: 1
Favorite Newsletter - Prophetic Clues, Consciousness, and Consecration.
Most Popular Newsletter - I cried hot tears and here’s why
The year 2024 was a year I determined to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit and move with speed into execution. That simple decision facilitated many manifestations this year and opened up multiple birthings -
Scribe Secrets - This 7-day email-based mini-course for authors and writers was one thing I didn't plan but I'm so glad that I got the opportunity to create. The feedback has been superb and I am so grateful.
Scribe Stories - You remember this series of live conversations we had on Instagram with 3 leading authors, Tomisiin, Mrs Noch, and Naomi Bominuru.
Webinars - This was the year I created so many slides because I taught multiple times through webinars. We had -
A. Scribe Secrets Opening webinar: How to partner with God to write and publish without being overwhelmed or having burnout
B. Scribe Secrets Closing Webinar: Book launch, publicity, and selling your 1st 100 copies.
C. The Scribe Identity Webinar: Debunking the myths and misconceptions holding you back as a writer.High Impact Programs - Getting into VCAP and ILDP in one year was a BIG, HAIRY AUDACIOUS MOVE. Both programs were created by DDK … and they are super INTENSE! Ah! I was stretched so much but I loved it because I experienced grace on a whole different level and capacity was thoroughly built in me.

C.A.S.E—We partnered with the beautiful Dr. Ifeoma, the founder of the Christian book writers' club, to host virtual prayer and teaching meetings for authors titled C.A.S.E (Christian Authors Spiritual Empowerment). We had four sessions in 2024 and they were too good. She has an upcoming prayer meeting on the 5th of January and I'll implore you to join in. Follow the Christian Book Writers Club on Instagram for more information.
The Birthing Bootcamp 3.0- We officially launched the coaching business for authors, writers, and scribes. Woohoo! This was huge for me because I received this mandate in 2023 but I finally stepped into the first phase of manifestation in 2024. This also opened up the opportunity for me to write my first Foreword for a book. Yassssss! It was so special and such a full circle moment cos I know what DDK did for me when she wrote the Foreword for “The Birthing”.
Website and Brand Launch - If you follow me on Instagram, you should have noticed the change. We officially launched my brand as "Ugonne Ann, The Author's Coach" and The Birthing Boot camp as TBB with my website, and social media pages and I'm even active on LinkedIn now. Guys, isn't God so good? Please check out all the pages and follow cos we have great stuff in store for you in 2025.
S.A.W Community - I joined and stewarded this amazing community of scribes, authors, and writers with my whole life. It was wonderful and we had supernatural testimonies. Like Whaaaaaat? I’m talking complete manuscripts, a new job opportunity at a publishing company in the UK, and book launch announcements. We saw 4 phenomenal books birthed from this community in 2024 and all these things happened in less than 6 months. Haaaaaa! It's been such a beautiful experience but we had to shut it down as we closed out 2024. Don’t fret. We will be back soon. My newsletter community will definitely be the first to know when we come back bigger and better so watch this space.

The Biggest Lessons of 2024.

1. You don't know what you don't know -
It was when I stepped into VCAP that I fully realized this fearful lesson. Listen, you have no idea the cost and consequence of ignorance until you know. Ignorance is expensive o. You'll be cracking your brain trying to figure out why you're not getting the results you desire completely oblivious of the fact that your “perishment” is because of a lack of knowledge. Yes, I just invented that word
The truth is that the reason you are not seeing it is because you are in the box. Yes, you are the one living in your life and many times, it takes someone outside the box, an external observer, aka a coach, to tell you what is going on. This is why I am such a huge advocate for coaching because it is God's undercover system for destiny-defining developments. God will use trained coaches as midwives to birth the next-level you. Girl, Don't joke with your MMMs in 2025 ... Your Mentors, Models, and Midwives
2. Life is a crescendo of possibilities -
Let me share a truth that keeps dawning on me every day—it’s this: life is like a symphony and every note matters. In 2024, my husband and I felt it deeply. Think about music—how each note builds on the last, rising, and falling to create something beautiful. That’s how our lives unfold creating a masterpiece over time. Everything I was able to do in 2024, Every dream I chased, every goal I reached, and every blessing I embraced this year didn’t appear out of thin air. They were seeds planted long ago—through the blogs I wrote when no one read, the YouTube videos I filmed with trembling hands, the books I penned in quiet obedience, the countless volunteer hours, and even the coaching attempts that ended in failure. Each of these moments, no matter how small or imperfect, became the notes in the crescendo that brought me here.
2024 was the year where the music made sense—where dots that once seemed scattered now connected to form a melody I couldn’t have imagined.
And so, I say this to you: honor every season of your life. Every step, every attempt, and every lesson is part of a divine rhythm. The longer you wait to play your note, the longer you postpone the song that heaven is writing through you. Don’t delay. Your destiny, your masterpiece, is waiting to unfold.
3. Success is a team sport -
I realized this year that the defining marker in the results I got with the launch of TBB 3.0 vs TBB 2.0 is people. Ahhhhh! The difference is so clear. Our lives are dramatically impacted by the people we allow to go on this visionary journey with us. Would I have gotten into VCAP if I hadn't had that long conversation with Mrs Noch? Would I have launched all these beautiful initiatives I did this year without the gift of a trained external observer in the person of My Coach, Ejiro Osakede, my Lab 9 MARS group, or the amazing scribes in the S.A.W community?
What about my precious graphics guy, Victor, or my darling King David who worked on my pages and website? Haaaaa! I'm still at the early stages of this visionary path and yet it's super clear to me that it takes an army to build anything of significance. This one is huge because I'm typically the kind of girl that wants to do everything on my own but true success is a team sport.

4. Clarity and Visionary articulation is a gift
This year, I was reminded once again that clarity is a superpower. The truth is, many of us struggle to move with speed on our assignments or ideas because we lack clarity—the kind of clarity that comes from knowing the mandate, the blueprint, the future, and the results God has prescribed for us. Clarity, in its purest form, is actually the first level of execution.
The deep and grueling thinking process that the first trimester of VCAP pushed me through was a game-changer. It helped me articulate my vision down to the finest details. For the first time, I could clearly see my audience, the problem I’m solving for them, my value proposition, and the landscape I’m operating in. I began to understand my vision not just in isolation, but within the context of the industry I’m a part of. I saw the players, identified gaps, and found my unique positioning within the space.
Honestly, I can't thank VCAP and the Execution Blueprint enough for this transformation. If your heart isn't burning with a well-articulated vision of the future God is calling you to, I implore you to pursue a clear picture of where you're headed in 2025—with everything in you. Your future depends on it.
5. The Leverage of Grace -
2024 was the year I understood “Grace” as a technology in the spirit. I saw 1 Corinthians 15:10 with my koro-koro eyes in my own life. When Paul said…But His grace toward me was not [found to be] for nothing (fruitless and without effect). In fact, I worked harder than all of them, though it was not really I, but the grace of God that was with me, he wasn’t joking at all.
Brethren, this thing called Grace is an asset o. If God is the one leading you onto something, he will empower you. It will be hard and your whole life will be stretched but you will not be broken. I prayed Hebrews 4:16 so much and my prayer was answered.
I came into the leverage of grace, the assets of grace, the economy of grace, the operation of grace, the atmosphere of grace. Because explain to me how I was able to go through an MBA-grade accelerator program, host webinars, work a part-time job, write consistently, steward a community of authors, launch a coaching business, and still homeschool my kids, clean, cook, without a live-in help/nanny and still wife my husband ……and do other things. Is it not “Ore Ofe Sha”????? Ha! PLEASE, CELEBRATE GRACE!
Let’s then take note of it and be ready to apply more pressure to the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ in 2025!
Woah….I still have so many lessons to share like Faith as the currency of vision, the power and gold in Feedback, writing as a weapon of mass mobilization, The warfare of distraction, and Kingdom leadership as the next big thing.
But this letter is already long enough abeg. Are you interested in part two? Hit the reply button or leave a comment online and let me know. I'd love to hear from you. What were your takeaways from this letter? What stood out to you? What action steps will you take?
Before I wrap up, I want to use this opportunity to thank you and all the amazing humans of 2024.
To my darling husband, Dr. Isaac, my Procoach Debola Deji-Kurunmi, My one and only Coach and Captain, Eziaha Bolaji-Olojo, My Sir Pee, Euchariam, Suka Ortu and Miss Ortu, My Destiny Sisters, Temitope and Mrs Noch, My beloved friends Auntie Faith & Pamela, My Precious Coach Ejiro Osakede, My Lab 9 Mars Group, My phenomenal brand manager, Lemuel, My awesome scribes in TBB 3.0, My S.A.W community members, My amazing Fruitful leaders, and all the amazing persons that time and space will not let me mention their names….Thank you!
Thank you for your love, light, wisdom, and attention. Thank you for reading, sharing, signing up, giving me a chance, hearing me out, buying, clapping, and recommending. I AM BECAUSE WE ARE!
And to you my beloved reader, who has read up to this point, you are my hero and the real MVP. Thank you for being an integral part of my work as a visionary. I can't wait to see the wonders we will create for duty, honor, and kingdom in 2025!
My heartfelt prayer for us is the very words of my pro coach, 2025 is our Declaration of Dominion, and as we operate the BLUEPRINT of the BLESSING, we will Breakout, Break Forth, and Breakthrough into Realms of Remarkable Results!
Happy New Year Once again and Cheers to 2025, Our Year of Audacity!
With Love,
Ugonne Ann {The Author’s Coach}
