MMM 3.0: Mentors, Models and Midwives

Models - The heroes of transformation in a society.

Hey love! Happy weekend. This is the last part of the MMM series. I didn't set out to write a series but here we are! Haha! If you haven't read the previous ones, click on the link to read MMM 1.0 and MMM 2.0. If you've been plugged in, which one is your favorite so far? Tell me. Hit the reply button.

One of my favorite movies of all time is the social network. Ahh. The geek in me loved that movie so much. Apart from the fact that it was just a well-made movie with a fantastic storyline and brilliant acting, it gave me a little glimpse into the prestigious Harvard University and sort of explained things. I saw what University was supposed to be like. Students in schools like Harvard, MIT, and Columbia go to school with so much self-confidence, belief, and a sense of responsibility. They know that they are capable of changing the world and they act like it. Mark Zuckerberg, who the movie was about, wrote the software for the Facemash website when he was in his second year of college, and as soon as it started to blow up, he dropped out of school and started his company. Do you know someone else that dropped out of Harvard? Bill Gates. Mark's hero. "When I was growing up, Bill Gates was my hero. “I think he is one of the greatest visionaries that our industry has ever had.”

Those were the exact words of Mark Zuckerberg in an interview with Business Insider back in 2013. Although these two are famous for different reasons, Mark Zuckerberg eventually became Bill Gates to some extent. Like Bill, he became a billionaire, a pioneer in Internet technologies, and a Harvard University dropout.

Who is your role model? 

"Are you a joker?" A tiny phrase that I can't wipe off my 3-year-old's tongue. In my head, I only said it maybe 5 or 6 times but ever so often, I'll catch Zite telling his baby brother " you a juker". It didn't make sense at first until I got what he was trying to say. I just burst out laughing.

I've tried to correct this young man and even stop him from saying it but I still heard it this morning. It reminded me again how much toddlers are sponges. They are expert mimics. They will mimic everything you do or say before them because that's how we are wired. We all have this strong desire to mimic something, especially as children. If we as parents, don't put the right image in front of them to model after, what do you expect? Every child needs a model and children often start off modeling themselves after their parents.

if we are all wired to imitate, the bigger question then is Who are you imitating? Who is your role model?Who is a role model? A role model is a person whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others, especially younger people. This is someone who you can look to as a good example of who you want to be like. A person to be imitated. I was listening to a message when I heard AJS say something profound.

Transformation will always be faster when there are models who exemplify what people should enter into. There have to be men who personify certain possibilities.

Apostle Joshua Selman

Look at that. There are certain things earmarked for your destiny that you may never even think it's possible till you encounter a model.

I remember when they'll ask this question in secondary school and the next thing I'll say is "Beyonce". ROTFLMAO. Don't blame me. I was heavily mentored by Channel O and MTV base as a young adult. If you are still there, it's well. Whenever you wake up is morning but I command you to wake up now in Jesus' name. Amen!

And if you're wondering why Beyonce or Kim Kardashian couldn't possibly be a model for me, please read that AJS quote again. What possibility was Beyonce in Hollywood personifying for one small girl in Enugu state who wasn't even an aspiring musician? What's the story? the behavior or the reality that I was modeling after? I was just fangirling at best. Your role model shouldn't be an unrealistic, far-fetched wonder but a picture of a possibility that you can touch. Your models don't have to be mentors but they have to be close enough to be a mentor.

This reminds me of my younger brother, Somkene. Before this small boy turned 30, he already had a lovely wife, a luxurious home, a thriving Architecture/ Real Estate career, and a baby on the way. Impressive for a boy who was always last in class in primary school. lol!

I asked him before his 30th birthday what his secret was, how he has been able to achieve so much, and what he would say had the biggest impact on his progress, and this was what he had to say :

  1. A solid support system which include my wife, family and close friends.

  2. A solid role model in the person of the one and only Sir P (Our Dad).

  3. Oluwa's hand in my life helping me know almost exactly what I always need to do and where to be.

Note: The importance of Sir P can never be overemphasized in this boy's life...I love that man and Mrs. P of course.

Noticed how he emphasized the importance of a role model. That's a BIG FACTOR! Let me tell you a fun fact about these two. My dad built the house we grew up in when he was in his early 30s. My younger brother built a bigger house right next to it just before he turned 30. Coincidence? I think not!

Models: God's personified system of intelligence.

I've heard my MMM DDK talk about how much she adored Bimbo Odukoya when she was younger. She loved watching her on TV and just really wanted to be everything like her. The classy, firebrand, stylish, and articulate woman of God who preached the gospel with sound doctrine and truth. Today, if you look at her, you'll see that she's all of that and more.

It shows you the power of choosing the right role model. We have to be careful as people who we make our heroes. I feel like the average Nigerian woman doesn't have to search too long to see strong examples of young and old visionary women to look to and emulate. I can't say the same for men. And it's deeply disconcerting because the truth is that if our boys don't have the right kind of models to look up to, they'll eventually fill that gap with nonsense.

There's no way "Yahoo Yahoo" will not thrive if all the cool and famous boys in your community are Yahoo boys. This is why I love the likes of Williams Uchemba and John Obidi and the work they do. This is also why I detest Marlians and people like him. No offense to Naira Marley cos I don't know him as a person and I don't have anything against him but his music and everything he represents sucks. It's all about objectifying women, drugs, and sex. Complete junk.

Kingdom culture must permeate pop culture enough that our standard is to do what is right.

I said to the Lord, “You are my Master! Every good thing I have comes from you.” The godly people in the land are my true heroes! I take pleasure in them!

Psalms 16:2‭-‬3 NLT

This is why I want you to pray that by His grace, you will find and intentionally make the right kind of people your hero. Let me leave you with these specific prayer points. Please make time to intercede concerning these things.

  • That God releases grace in our direction to make us proof producers, miracle workers and true validators of the kingdom

  • That your light will so shine that men will actually see it and glorify God

  • That he will raise you up as a model for young men and women in our society today

📺📺 𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙄'𝙢 𝙬𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜

  • Gangs of Lagos. Mscheww! Can't even categorically say why I don't like the movie. All I know is that if I see Tobi Bakare in another black-wearing gang movie again, I'll puke. Dude had better be a pastor or a dwarf in his next big role. Love him tho! Ohh but Chioma! Kai! Chioma Akpotha made me cry. That monologue in the burial scene was Grand-Maester-level acting. Loved it! 🙌🔥.

🎤🎼 𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙄'𝙢 𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤

  • I know who I am by Sinach. Ha! I woke up to this song on Friday morning and I realized that every line of the song spoke to my current reality. Ahh! The mystery of melody. I said, "Whaaaat? I'm gonna experience this song in all its fullness ooo". I'm actually walking in power and miracles.

💃❤𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙄'𝙢 𝙨𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙚𝙭𝙘𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩

  • The Birthing Book live review sessions and the Wild Women. We've been on a break in the wild and I'm seriously looking forward to our resumption. Then the Birthing book live review sessions have been nothing short of powerful. God is so kind. He's releasing kingdom marriages and children for Waiting- moms and we are super grateful to him for these gifts. If you are not in the Birthing hub, you can definitely join us on my YouTube channel.

🙇🙌 𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙄 𝙖𝙢 𝙜𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙛𝙤𝙧

Finally, the deadline to join the WILD Women ends tomorrow. Don't sleep on this one. Details are in the flyer. Come join us.

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