Welcome to Novel November!

A word for the month + final boarding call.

My 1st Solo trip/ mini-retreat in years


adjective: novel

meaning: new or unusual in an interesting way -

Hey Friends,

Welcome to Novel November - the most phenomenal month of the year. As we close out 2024, I believe that new, interesting, and unusual things are still going to happen within the remaining 57 days that we have left this year. As I was sitting in this hotel room alone on my first solo trip in at least 7 years, I felt like I was literally starting my month in this word. I stepped into November with new, interesting and unusual things happening already.

And I thought to share this word with you so that you can raise your expectations. New and unusual things are coming your way because this is genuinely the life of the one on the visionary path.

  • Novelty is your narrative.

  • Purpose is your portion.

  • Wealth is your wiring.

  • Divinity is your destination.

Let hope and faith arise because interesting things are coming your way. Don't let the enemy steal your faith and focus. Keep your eyes on the prize, steady your heart in righteousness, and relentlessly pursue that vision in your heart.

God put that idea in your heart as an invitation to the glorious becoming of who he has destined you to be. The enemy can perceive it so all the drama happening right now is to prevent you from birthing the vision. Let me tell you something interesting, Vision pleases God. This is because it requires a lot of faith to walk in the visionary path and without faith, it is impossible to please God.

Take up your shield of faith and stop the fiery darts of the enemy. Sometimes, it still requires warfare to step into what is already yours so fight that good fight of faith.

Posture yourself as one being trained and prepared for what is coming. Declutter your soul. Enlarge your tent. Clean up house, and ensure that your heart is in the right place. Get ready for what God is set to do in the remaining days of 2024.

Final Boarding Call

One of the ways easiest ways God puts us on the visionary path is by partnering with God to write a book. It’s your invitation to novelty, impact, purpose, wealth, and fulfillment. If 2025 looks like the year you are going to publish a book, step into the Birthing Boot camp- Conception and get started on that journey in the right way.

The Birthing Boot Camp Conception Lab is a 4-week intense coaching program for authors based on the CPP Framework of the Birthing Blueprint.

In this program, I'll walk you through the Conception Framework. This is a systematic process for conceiving, clarifying, and articulating your bestselling book in partnership with the Lord.

During the 4 weeks program, You will

  • Clarify the vision for your book

  • Find and develop your bestselling book idea

  • Develop your theme and book sections

  • Outline your book structure

  • Create your chapter briefs and synopsis

  • Be spiritually empowered for the work ( Fasting & Prayer sessions)

And by the end of it, you will have a solid, completely inspired book proposal that only needs to be fleshed out. A book proposal is typically a business document written to persuade a publishing house to partner with you to publish your book.

Most self-published authors assume they don’t need a book proposal, But you don’t build a tower without a floor plan.

Listen, If you have a book in your mind and you are wondering where to start, what you will write, or how to go about it, then the Conception Lab is for you. This is the answer to your prayers and the step you need to take to birth that vision of being an author. Take a look at what we will be working out together weekly -

✔1. Live Coaching Call

✔2. Weekly Intercession sessions

✔3. Weekly Accountability check-ins

✔4. Access to the Course module

✔5. Worksheets, supporting resources, and other study materials

✔6. Weekly confessions and declarations

This is the final boarding call for this program until next year... Where we would be moving on to the production and presentation labs. Official welcome and onboarding begin this week so this is the last email you’ll be getting about joining the bootcamp this year. Don't sit on this one. More information and details for payment are in the link below

Got questions about the program? Need a discount or payment plan? Hit the reply button. Let’s talk. Looking forward to seeing you at the bootcamp!

With Love,

Ugonne Ann (The Author’s Coach)


or to participate.