My Dream about Bishop David Oyedepo and Canaanland!

Important Lessons on Sex , Vision and Energy.

Hey Friends,

Welcome to the last day of August. I just spent an hour plus scrolling Instagram when I should have been wrapping this newsletter up. Shouldn't I just delete this app already? Social media apps are literally created to DISTRACT. Tufiakwa! #eyespermanentlyfixedonJesus.

Anywho, How are you doing? Has August been wild or what? Haha! I've thoroughly enjoyed this month and all the stretch that came with it. Through all the Writing, Praying, Mummying, Meetings, Learning, Growing, Leading, and Maturing, I've come to a place of deep appreciation for life in the spirit.

Ahh! You have no idea the adventures that await you the moment you decide to make God your priority. Please, prioritize Jesus and his presence today. How you may ask? Worship, Journal, Pray, Fast, Sabbath, Retreat, Ask Questions, Confess, Repent, Declare, Advance!

One of my biggest achievements this month was completing a 21-day writing challenge (Pictured above). Writing for 60-90 mins every day was pretty intense but I did it and an ebook I've been sitting on since the first quarter of this year is almost complete. Somebody shout Hallelujah!!πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

I'll share more details in the coming days. Trust me, you're gonna love it.

Youth, Sex, and a Dream

A few weeks ago, I woke up with a burden in my heart because of a dream I had. I was in Canaanland, Ota, and service had just ended. People were hanging out after church. You know the usual camaraderie. Hugs, laughter, children running around, etc.

Then I saw Ginika, the pastor's kid angrily storming out as someone else followed her. It looked like she was arguing with her mom. Then I heard her say

"Nope, that's a lie. This person is having sex, that person is having sex and they are all doing fine."

I was taken aback but I smiled as I walked up to her. "I think that you don't really understand what is going on and what your father accomplished here. Come, Let me break it down for you" I said.

What I started to share with her on priesthood, vision, and energy is my core message for you today.

I have a 4-year-old in my house. His energy is out of this world. I catch myself saying to him often "Zboy, Borrow me this your energy. I know what I'll do if I had half of it.". The interesting thing about life is that we all get varying doses of energy as young people and there's a solid reason for it.

I believe that one of the core purposes of youthful energy is vision. Vision requires a significant amount of energy to conceive, build, and birth it. Unfortunately, when purpose is not known, Abuse is inevitable. Many young people are abusing the energy God has released to them for their current season. As you know, energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can only be converted from one form to another so some of us have converted our visionary energy to body count energy

You who are young, make the most of your youth. Relish your youthful vigor. Follow the impulses of your heart. If something looks good to you, pursue it. But know also that not just anything goes; You have to answer to God for every last bit of it.

Ecclesiastes 11:9 MSG

Check all the greatest leaders, thinkers, and visionaries you know, most of them started in their twenties or as teenagers. My Mentor and Procoach, PDDK, for example, clocked 20 years in ministry this year. Yup! 20 Years and she's not up to 40 years old. Think about that. Building to last takes time and energy. The earlier you start and stay focused on the path you have been called, the better.

 The Connection to Ota

So how does this relate to Bishop and his church in Ota? Bishop David Oyedepo is a visionary. One man singlehandedly built a Guinness World Record Church auditorium, universities, and schools, in a rather unknown land. Think about it. It takes a high degree of priesthood, consecration, and spiritual capital to achieve what Bishop David Oyedepo did with Canaan land. Think about the level of growth and development he brought to Ogun state. Think about the spiritual and economic effect of 'Shiloh' that happens there every year.

There was a season in my life when almost everyone I discovered and started following online was a graduate of Covenant University. It was quite revelatory. Love him or hate him, you can't deny the significant impact this man has had on the Nation called Nigeria and these achievements can be traced back to a relentless commitment to the visionary path. Your level of impact, influence, interaction and execution with the assignment/vision God placed in your hand can be impeded by sin, especially sexual immorality.

Imagine there was no Canaanland or Covenant University. Imagine if Bishop decided to YOLO his life at some point and waste his energy. Imagine if all he has achieved never existed. The tricky and scary part is that we will never find out what we lost and the ripple effect of it on this side of eternity.

I watched a sermon sometime last year and I was reminded of it as I wrote this newsletter. The popular Nigerian actor, Williams Uchemba, shared some personal experiences on this sexual immorality matter. Do check it out above. It is quite insightful. You can start from the 41-minute mark if you're in a hurry.

The truth is that glorious destinies, visions, and assignments are aborted every other day because of sexual immorality. It's not just casual sex, you are wasting your energy, your time, and your life. Please Stop it. Don't fall for the enemy's deception. Everyone is NOT doing it. And those who are sexually active are really not fine. They won't just come and share their woes on their perfectly curated Instagram handle for you. I know that you may be wondering whether this counsel is really necessary for you or not but

  • β€ŒWhether you're a young believer struggling with sexual sins. Or

  • You are a married woman innocently fantasizing about that shirtless model on Instagram. Or

  • You've seared your conscience enough to believe that it's okay to be sleeping with your 17th boyfriend, a married man/woman, or a Pastor.

β€ŒJust remember that God loves you and he's literally waiting for you to grow up and come up higher. He wants to have deep, meaningful, destiny conversations with you about your purpose, vision, and what is next for you but you can't hear him. Until you come into full repentance and understanding of your identity and God's eternal love for you, there are realms you can never access. Come up higher sis. Your abundant life is beckoning you to come.

I'm going to leave you with some powerful videos I've made in the past about this topic on my YouTube channel. Click on the buttons below to watch.


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The Daniel Fast with my WILD sisters. I am super excited and absolutely ready for everything our daddy has in store in the remaining 4 months of 2023. I’m talking unrestricted heavenly portals and pathways, spiritual archiving and archeology, blueprints and roadmaps, miraculous manifestations of the power of God and so much more. I am at the edge of my seat at this point. Haha!

🎀🎼 𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙄'𝙒 π™‘π™žπ™¨π™©π™šπ™£π™žπ™£π™œ 𝙩𝙀

Victoria Orenze’s Eh ya ya Chants. This chant session is all the gasoline you need in your prayers. If you want to pray in the spirit for long, just leave it on in the background.

πŸ“ΊπŸ“Ί 𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙄'𝙒 π™¬π™–π™©π™˜π™π™žπ™£π™œ

Fiercely Confident Series by Lady Kemz. It’s a family meeting with some of the kinswomen in our tribe dishing out Spirit-laced wisdom back to back. It's so beautiful and absolutely worth watching.

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This Zoe Life.  This life that we have in God is amazing. I can't trade it for anything. There are depths and heights in him and I’m genuinely beginning to question the concept of backsliding. What are we backsliding into? What exactly is better than following Jesus? 15 years in and it still feels like β€œ I don't even know anything”. Ahh! Thank you for loving me Lord. I dey for you Jesus! You and I will change the world.

Thank you for being here. Before I go, I want to ask for your help. Can you please share this newsletter with someone you know and encourage them to subscribe? It will mean the world to me. I hope to reach 5,000 women with the message of β€œbirthing, vision, motherhood, kingdom, building & partnering with God” and this is how you can help me reach my goal. What a testimony it will be to see more women growing, changing, running with a compelling vision, and living their best lives! Will you do that for me? God bless you as you do!

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